Friday, November 30, 2007


Today a number of milestones were celebrated. With 24 members in attendance, we had a full and fun-packed meeting! Milestone #1 was a "first" for Emilie Staryak filling in as acting Sergeant at Arms. She did a great job getting the room set up and starting the meeting. Next, President Robin Walker announced that our own Chance Litton is the District's funniest speaker! He then passed out pins to all NPS Toastmasters for being the first club in District 4 to achieve "President's Select" status. He recognized Arnie Buss for achieving Advanced Communicator Gold, which gives the club its eighth goal out of ten for the year. Congratulations also to Arnie who now qualifies for Distinguished Toastmaster - the highest award given by Toastmasters International!

Brian Anderson as TMoD led the meeting with Marine precision, on the theme "Groupthink"- that mob mentality groups possess that can suppress creativity or encourage dissenting opinions.

Two outstanding speeches followed - a #3 from one half of the globetrotting Ishags, Rosetta, who spoke of her son's dyslexia and how that was a challenge as well as a gift; and Alec Metz, who inspired us to travel the world and learn about other cultures. This was Alec's #10 speech, and with it he achieved Competent Communicator status and our club will have fulfilled its 9th goal (once the paperwork is filed with World Headquarters)! Alec Metz was voted "best speaker", Rosetta Ishag - "most improved" and Fred Sadler received "best table topics" for his response to Luke Lazzari's question about group think.

Rosetta Ishag's #3 speech, Dyslexics are Anything but Dumb!:

Alec Metz'1 #10 Speech, Inspiration Indeed!

In the business portion of the meeting, a new slate of officers was elected for the January-July 2008 term. Our new club #2032 officers will be:

President: Angi Anderson
VP Education: Fred Sadler
VP Membership: Michael Barksdale
VP Public Relations: Emilie Staryak
Secretary: Cathy Lee
Treasurer: Warner Howser
Sergeant at Arms: Steve Skaggs

Congratulations to our new leadership team.

Mark your calendars for December 14 for the annual Holiday Table Topics Gift Exchange meeting! Bring a wrapped, unisex gift costing no more than $10. It is always an hilarious time - hosted by Carl Thormeyer.

Also, Wednesday evening, December 12 at 6:00 p.m. at the Monterey Beach Hotel will be the Area Holiday Dinner and Table Topics Gift Exchange. This will be a catered dinner, social, and gift exchange. It is a great opportunity to meet toastmasters from other clubs in the area, as well as to enjoy a delicious dinner and have fierce fun! The cost is $30.60 per person - guests are welcome, and are also welcome to participate in the table topics gift exchange, if they bring a gift of course! Bring a check made out to NPS Toastmasters on the 9th-the club will underwrite $5:oo per person.

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