Friday, August 03, 2007

Presidential Debates

Fourteen members and four guests cheered on Scott Wilbur in his inaugural run as TMoD with his theme of "Presidential Debates". The three excellent speeches follow:

Luke Lazzari's #4 speech about overcoming procrastination:

Shenequa Mitchell's #9 speech about how endings are really beginnings:

Karen Woodson's #4 speech about the joys of NASCAR racing, for which she won both "Best Speaker" and "Most Improved":

Angi Anderson's picture-perfect evaluation of Karen's speech, for which she won "Best Evaluator":

Peter Blouin led Table Topics with three questions related to elections and politicians. Here is Robin Walker's winning Table Topics speech:

General Evaluator Brian Anderson declares Scott's TMoD debut a touchdown...

Next week August 10th: Club Humorous Speech and Evaluation contests. We need everyone there to help select our winners to send on to the Area Contest in September!

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