Friday, April 20, 2007

Another "squared away" meeting...

Nineteen members and four guests became 20 members and 3 guests as Dave Schulz was elected into membership today. Welcome, Dave! (That's 28 new members and one reinstatement since last July 1st.)

Brian Anderson as Toastmaster led another outstanding meeting in true Marine-squared-away fashion, which featured three speakers in yet another successful shakeup of the normal agenda. Speakers went first, followed by Table Topics, followed by the speech evaluators. The theme was "April 20th", which has different meanings to different people.

Shahid Abrar ul Hassan gave his #3 speech entitled "Be Concerned", where he objectively made the case that we all live on the same planet and need to learn to get along. Angi Anderson's well-presented speech on "Depression " (without notes and without lectern) won Best Speaker, while Pete Blouin won Most Improved with his #5 speech describing poker-playing body language.

Shenequa Mitchell was awarded Best Evaluator for her critique of Pete's speech by first-time General Evaluator Eric Timmerman. Best Table Topics went to new member Scott Wilbur. Third-time guest Leena Oh was brave enough to participate in Table Topics as well! Thanks, Leena, and congratulations on your participation.

NEXT UP: Regular meeting of 27 April will feature Scott Ceremuga as TMoD and Glenn Tolle with his #10 speech. Plan now to attend!

Saturday Afternoon 28 April: Smedley Saturday at La Mesa Community Center from 2PM -4PM.


Glenn Tolle said...

Squared away blog entry, Carl!

Arnie B said...

Great post Carl! It was a great meeting!

ML said...

Can't wait to hear your number 10 speech Glenn!