Friday, December 01, 2006

World Aids Day

I hope that everyone had a happy Thanskgiving! I, for one, found myself mysteriously antsy around 12:10 the day after - without a Toastmasters meeting, I didn't know what to do with myself!

Today's theme was "World Aids Day," selected by Toastmaster par exellence Mary Lineberger, a sober and timely theme, since it is World Aids Day. Their theme this year is "Acountability," and that was also the word of the day.

Instead of our typical (of late) gaggle of guests, we had 21 members and only one guest - a very healthy attendance. Part of the reason for so few guests is that they have become members!

The speakers today continued the pattern of our newer members showing their speaking skills, with two Icebreakers and one #2 speech.

In Ken Pawley's Icebreaker speech, he related the importance of family values and music in his life. His uplifting speech earned him "Best Speaker" of the meeting. We are looking forward to hearing more from this new NPS faculty member.

Cathy Lee was so inspirational in her Icebreaker speech, both speaking about and confronting her public speaking fears that she received a standing ovation. Her speech earned her "Most Improved Speaker." And congratulations to Cathy on passing the California Bar!

Erika Hunnsicker was completely captivating in her second speech about "bride stealing" in Kazakhstan, mixing humor with an ultimately serious subject. Effective evaluations were given by Joe, Arnie, and Alec, with Alec getting the nod for "best evaluator."

Table Topics was particularly competitive, with Luke Lazzari, Elizabeth Mitchell, and Linda Larson being called on, and Linda winning "Best Table Topics."

John Looney was very effective in his first time as General Evaluator, giving excellent feedback to all the functionaries.

All told, another energetic and informative NPS Toastmasters meeting!


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