Friday, December 15, 2006

The Annual Holiday Gift Exchange Meeting!

Fellow Toastmasters,

An ongoing tradition at NPS Toastmasters is the “Holiday Gift Exchange” meeting on the last scheduled meeting of the year. This year we had 15 members and one perennial guest (Karen Woodson; Glenn’s wife) vie for a wide assortment of gifts using their impromptu speaking skills! Though many tried, no-one succeeded in “stealing” a gift previously opened by someone else! Perhaps the most popular gifts that others tried to “steal” were the batteries, the hi-tech lunch bag, and the gifts from London brought back by returning members Elie and Rosetta Ishag. (Click the following link for the video of Glenn Tolle’s raucous but unsuccessful attempt to win some batteries!) (Watch this space for the link to Mary’s video.)

We said farewell today to Alec Metz, who will be returning to Mongolia via Beijing. We will miss you, Alec! (Why not start a club in Mongolia? There are already six Toastmasters clubs in Beijing!)

And congratulations to NPS students Brendan Epps, Wil Wooten, Joel Tiu, Dave Mazur and Andy Hamann who all graduated on December 15th. Further congratulations to MIIS students Lars Olberg and Alec Metz who have finished their studies here in Monterey. Additional congratulations are due to Brendan Epps, who with a Herculean effort finished up his Advanced Communicator Bronze qualifications just before he graduated! (Ed. Note: That gives our club six goals so far this Toastmaster year, and we’ll have seven once we get two more of the new officers trained. That’ll make us at least “Select Distinguished” for 2006-07, with “President’s Distinguished” in our sights.)

Speaking of which…. Until recently, NPS Toastmasters led all 203 clubs in District 4 with 20 new members since July 1st. Now, two clubs in the Bay Area have caught up with us and also have 20 new members. So, let’s all get out there and replace those several fine members who just left, and reclaim our spot at the top!

Meetings will resume on Friday January 5th, when the newly elected officers will be installed. The January schedule will be posted soon on our Web site, In the meantime, we wish you all a happy and joyous holiday season!

For better listening, thinking and speaking,

- Carl

Friday, December 08, 2006

Glenn's Hipcast

Glenn recorded this on his cell phone and blogged it instantly - is this soooo 2007 or what?!

powered by

Friday, December 01, 2006

World Aids Day

I hope that everyone had a happy Thanskgiving! I, for one, found myself mysteriously antsy around 12:10 the day after - without a Toastmasters meeting, I didn't know what to do with myself!

Today's theme was "World Aids Day," selected by Toastmaster par exellence Mary Lineberger, a sober and timely theme, since it is World Aids Day. Their theme this year is "Acountability," and that was also the word of the day.

Instead of our typical (of late) gaggle of guests, we had 21 members and only one guest - a very healthy attendance. Part of the reason for so few guests is that they have become members!

The speakers today continued the pattern of our newer members showing their speaking skills, with two Icebreakers and one #2 speech.

In Ken Pawley's Icebreaker speech, he related the importance of family values and music in his life. His uplifting speech earned him "Best Speaker" of the meeting. We are looking forward to hearing more from this new NPS faculty member.

Cathy Lee was so inspirational in her Icebreaker speech, both speaking about and confronting her public speaking fears that she received a standing ovation. Her speech earned her "Most Improved Speaker." And congratulations to Cathy on passing the California Bar!

Erika Hunnsicker was completely captivating in her second speech about "bride stealing" in Kazakhstan, mixing humor with an ultimately serious subject. Effective evaluations were given by Joe, Arnie, and Alec, with Alec getting the nod for "best evaluator."

Table Topics was particularly competitive, with Luke Lazzari, Elizabeth Mitchell, and Linda Larson being called on, and Linda winning "Best Table Topics."

John Looney was very effective in his first time as General Evaluator, giving excellent feedback to all the functionaries.

All told, another energetic and informative NPS Toastmasters meeting!


Friday, November 17, 2006

Fellowship, Leadership, Mentorship: An Exciting Week in Toastmasters!

Fellow Toastmasters,

Last week’s Toastmasters events are best described by the three “ships” from a recent speech by President Brendan Epps - fellowship, leadership and mentorship.

Fellowship: We started the week on Sunday afternoon 12 November with a terrific potluck gathering at Fred Sadler’s lovely house in Carmel, where he and fiancĂ©e Edi whipped up some great beef stew augmented by other goodies from about 20 fellow Toastmasters and family members. With Arnie Buss and his fiddle, Glenn Tolle on mandolin and Joe Tacker on tambourine (he would have brought his tuba if he knew), we had some great Irish music. Glenn also gave a “dry-run” presentation of his Division-winning humorous speech, but alas, it wasn’t enough to win at the District contest (see below).

Leadership: On Friday 17 November, we had our regular meeting with 22 members and 5 guests. The meeting was anything but “regular”, as first-time Toastmaster Brian Anderson led a well-planned and thought-out meeting with a theme of “Marine Corps Birthday. Brian was decked out in full dress regalia, ramrod-straight! Spouse Angi Anderson had the shortest opening remark ever, using a birthday party-favor “tooter” to give us one toot and no words as the opening remark! She then gave us all a “tooter”, which we then used to acknowledge every use of the “word of the day”, which was “gala”. This was followed by three great speeches:
  • Alec Metz presented a very humorous #6 “Vocal Variety” speech about history teachers he had in college. This got him both “Best Speaker” and “Most Improved” awards.
  • Angi Anderson gave her #2 speech about what it takes to succeed in Toastmasters (she read the manuals!), which easily could have passed for a #10 speech; it was that good and that motivational.
  • And finally, Glenn Woodson, not to be intimidated by the first two speakers, gave us a terrific Icebreaker, with the subliminal theme of the importance the number “4” has played in his life.
There were three terrific evaluations by Andy Hamann, CTM Robin Walker and CTM Brendan Epps. Robin was awarded “Best Evaluator,” and would probably have also won “best dressed,” had we such an award, in his tuxedo (worn for the benefit of the opening of the new James Bond film that evening).

One interesting quirk of fate was when the three “Eliz(s)abeths” in our club randomly happened to sit next to each other, and we had “Eliz(s)abeth row”! Of the three, Elizabeth Mitchell of MIIS was among those called on for Table Topics, and she won that award.

We also elected the following officer slate for the upcoming Jan-Jun 2007 term:
President: Glenn Tolle
Vice President for Education: Robin Walker
Vice President for Membership: Fred Sadler
Vice President for Public Relations: Angi Anderson
Treasurer: Warner Howser
Sergeant-at-Arms: Brian Anderson
Mentorship: We all mentored Glenn Tolle as he won the Club, Area and Division Humorous Speech Contests with his metaphorically-challenged “Humble Pie, the 5th Basic Food Group”. Glenn gave yet another resounding version of his speech at the District 4 contest in Milpitas on Nov 18th, but alas, the competition was much tougher and Glenn didn’t place. The winner was Joel Lachter of Jetstream Toastmasters at NASA-Ames in Moffett Field, who basically spoke on why the judges should vote for him! The contest was part of a terrific all-day District Four Fall Conference. NPS was also represented by President Brendan Epps, VP Education Warner Howser, Area A-1 Governor Arnie Buss and District Parliamentarian Carl Thormeyer. NPS did not come away empty-handed, since our club newsletter, resurrected and edited by Brendan Epps, won the District 4 “Golden Quill” award for the district’s best club newsletter.

Reminder: The final meeting of the year will be our annual fun-filled holiday gift exchange meeting on 15 December. Information on this holiday meeting will be promulgated soon - it’s loads of fun and laughs! Plan on bringing a wrapped gender-neutral gift worth no more than $10.00.

Meetings will then resume the first Friday in January, when the newly elected officers will be installed. The schedule for the rest of the year has been posted on our Web site,

For better listening, thinking and speaking,

- Carl

P.S. - REMINDER - NO MEETING NEXT WEEK - THANKSGIVING FRIDAY (NPS is closed that day). Next meeting on 1 December.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Breaking the Ice!

We had another great meeting Friday (the 27th) of October with 21 members and 5 guests present, thereby continuing our recent series of highly attended meetings. This is the best such stretch since Fall 1978! Next week we will vote on our 20th new member since July 1st - this achievement is virtually unheard of in any Toastmasters club anywhere!

Carl Thormeyer led us through a well-run meeting featuring three icebreakers… Bill Harley, Dave Mazur and Shenequa Mitchell all delivered outstanding speeches. Shenequa won “Best Speaker”, while Dave was “Most Improved”. New member Elizabeth Mitchell won “Best Table Topics” over two other new members, while General Evaluator (GE) Arnie Buss awarded the “Best Evaluator” trophy to our president Brendan Epps. Arnie commented as GE that Carl had effectively conducted a clinic in “how to be Toastmaster”, but actually Arnie conducted his own clinic in “how to be a General Evaluator”, even to the point of sending detailed instructions to the evaluators ahead of time! Additionally, several people got credit for performing various roles in the new Competent Leader manual.

The nominating committee, headed by Arnie Buss, is looking for members willing to serve as an officer during the next term, Jan-June 2007. If no-one from the committee has contacted you and you would like to run for one of the offices, please contact Arnie soonest. The nominating committee will report out on November 3rd with the election at the following meeting on Nov. 17th. Anyone may run for office from the floor on the 17th; you don’t have to be nominated by the nominating committee. The only qualification is that you are willing to serve a full six-month term if elected.

Reminder: No meeting on 10 and 24 November due to holidays. Last meeting before the end of 2006 will be our annual fun-filled holiday gift exchange meeting on 15 December. Meetings will then resume the first Friday in January, when the newly elected officers will be installed.

Reminder: Treasurer Fred Sadler will be hosting a “pot-luck” club social to be held at his house in Carmel on Sunday
afternoon November 12th. He has provided details, so put the date aside now!

And one last thing…. Sign up now at a reduced price for the District 4 Fall Conference in Milpitas on Saturday November 18th! Our very own Glenn Tolle will represent Division A in the Humorous Speech Contest, having won the Club, Area, and Division contests previously. Details at

For better listening, thinking and speaking,

- Carl

Friday, October 20, 2006

Politics....As Usual?

Today was such a fantastic meeting on so many levels! Before the meeting, we had the special treat of finding new tables and chairs in the meeting room, courtesy of the NSA Department. I'm sure they did it just for our club!

We had 21 members and 7 guests, continuing the recent tradition of great attendance. The meeting started on-time, and begin with voting in and inducting our newest member, Pete Blouin, who jumped right in as vote counter.

Robin Walker as Toastmaster of the Day ran the meeting like a well-oiled (non-political) machine. The theme was "Political Campaigning," a very timely one with elections just around the corner. The energy was raised even higher with Robin's Clark Kent impression - except instead of a big red S he sported a campaign tee shirt under his shirt & tie!

Wil Wooton gave an inspiring speech #5 to rouse interest in the club's mentoring program, and spoke persuasively about its benefits. The high point of course being the Harry Potter/Albus Dumbledore graphics! This speech embodied all that Toastmasters and our club is about!

Presenting her Icebreaker speech, Erika Hunsicker spoke about growing up, farms in Germany, bilingual pigs and her work in the Peace Corps in a village in Kyrgyzstan.

Alec Metz gave another impassioned speech #4 about the meaning of being male in today's world, another educational and inspiring moment in our club! And Brian Anderson, gave an even more energetic and impassioned evaluation!

- Arnie

Sunday, October 15, 2006

A More Serious Theme

Friday's meeting was another excellent one, ably chaired by Linda Larson. In keeping with October being National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Linda chose violence against women as the theme of the meeting. This of course is a serious issue, and one that affects nearly everyone, men as well as women, as Linda pointed out. Thanks to Linda for raising our awareness of this painful and important contemporary problem.

It was another well-attended meeting, with 21 members and 9 guests! We welcomed and inducted our newest member, Elizabeth Mitchell, who promptly showed her skills by winning best Table Topics speaker.

We were treated to two more outstanding prepared speeches. Robin Walker re-gave his Icebreaker speech to introduce himself to our club (he had originally given it to his former club in Washington D.C.). Lars Olberg gave a #4 speech about the challenges of finding appropriate words, and walked away with both Best Speaker as well as Most Improved Speaker.  Fantastic job everyone!

We had a special guest, Joanne Garden from TGIF Toastmasters, who graciously agreed to be "Ah Counter" for the meeting, and she gave a virtual clinic on ho to perform that function. Her ringing of the bell was particularly effective in being not overly loud, nor too timid. She gave a great explanation of why learning to remove these verbal "fillers" from our language is so important. Thanks so much Joanne!

As you can see by the following post, Fumie Nakamura, a former member, sent an update on her activities and some pictures of the Sudan where she is working for the United Nations. We miss her of course, and are thrilled that she is carrying out such important work.


Greeting from Sudan!

The following is from an e-mail received from Fumie:

Hope all of you are doing well. After I finished my assignment at UNDP in Geneva in June, I moved to Khartoum, the capital of Sudan at the beginning of July.

Recently I organized a strategic planning workshop for our UN DDR unit. I am attaching some photos from the pyramid trip (in northern Sudan).

Please say hello to everyone at TM. Due to the super slow email, I cannot get everyone's email addresses.


Note: More of Fumie's pictures can be viewed here.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Glenn Tolle Wins Division Humorous Speech Contest!

Fellow Toastmasters,

This is the second in the new series of meeting wrap-ups for NPS Toastmasters, and has been approved by the club’s Executive Committee.

Breaking news…. Our very own Glenn Tolle once again emerged as a humorous speech contest winner - this time as the Division A champ with his victory this past Saturday October 8th in Aptos! Next level is the District 4 contest in Milpitas on November 18th… where Glenn will compete with the winners of the other seven Divisions in District 4. (District 4 consists of over 200 Toastmasters clubs from San Francisco south through Monterey County.)

We had another great meeting this past Friday 7 October with 19 members and 10 guests present. Once again, we had to bring in chairs from the next room! Four of those 19 members were voted in and inducted at the beginning of the meeting - welcome aboard to Mary Ann Kleine, Dave Mazur, Ned Powley, and Glenn Woodson! Mary Ann is from the outside community, the other three are associated with the Naval Postgraduate School. This brings our total of new members since 1 July 2006 to 17, with at least one more being voted on this coming Friday.

Friday’s meeting was a real treat - Toastmaster Mary Lineberger and GE Robin Walker shook things up by restructuring the normal order of participants and bringing some fresh thinking into our programming! Speakers were first, then Table Topics, and then evaluators. That gave the evaluators extra time to prepare contest-quality evaluations, which is what Robin as GE expected them to do. The speakers were an “all-Anderson” team, with Angi giving a very unique icebreaker and Brian delivering his #4 speech. Angi beat out her husband as “Best Speaker”, while Brian received “Most Improved”. Warner Howser was “Best Table Topics”, while President Brendan Epps took “Best Evaluator”. Congratulations to all!

Treasurer Fred Sadler announced a “pot-luck” club social to be held at his house in Carmel on Sunday afternoon November 12th. He’s providing details, but put the date aside now!

For better listening, thinking and speaking,

- Carl

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Attendance Records Broken at 29 Sept Meeting!

What a terrific meeting we had this past Friday September 29th! The electricity and energy in the room kept going for nearly an hour after the formal adjournment! Here are some highlights:

Our September 29th meeting set two all-time records for a regular weekly meeting of our club
  • Most guests (15), and
  • Largest attendance ever (35).
This exceeds the previous record of 32 (27 members and 5 guests), which occurred on 13 October 1978.

Welcome to our newest member, Erika Hunsicker, from MIIS. Erika had been a guest of Lars Olberg, also of MIIS. Erika is our 13th (count ‘em!) new member since July 1st. What a great
group of folks to all start out together in the Toastmasters program.

Of our 15 guests this week, three submitted membership applications on the spot! We’ll tell you who they are after we vote them into membership next week.

We had two outstanding speeches:
  • Lars Olberg (#3) dazzled us with an absolutely hilarious PowerPoint presentation using the “smart-screen” about being a world-wide traveler. (I particularly liked his map of the world!) He won “Most Improved” for his effort.
  • Fred Sadler (#7), in "period" costume, explained to us how George Washington was NOT the first President of the United States - he was the 8th! (Huh?!?!? Actually, there were seven previous Presidents under the Articles of Confederation. And, we found that we were woefully ignorant about our country’searly history!) Thanks, Fred - and congratulations on being voted “Best Speaker”.
Warner, as TM of the Day, stressed the importance of what we learned content-wise from the speeches. “Our members aren't just speaking to fulfill a goal, they're sharing pertinent information passionately and making it relevant to the entire club.”

Fred and Linda are neck-and-neck in the race to see who will be next to finish the basic manual and achieve “Competent Communicator (CC)”. Any bets?

Congratulations to Glenn Tolle (Best Evaluator) and to Robin Walker (Best Table Topics). Robin also ran a mean “Ah-Bell”…. No slack for anyone!

It was good to see Charlie Eskridge back after many months. He was immediately called upon as a Table Topics speaker by another of our energetic new members, Bill Harley (as Table Topics Master)! (No “slack”, Charlie!)

And, believe it or not, the meeting started and ended on time (not counting guest comments). Good work, Warner (as TM) and Brendan (as President). And thanks, Linda, for that terrific
and insightful general evaluation!

Plan NOW to attend the Division A Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest at the Aptos Academy in Aptos on Saturday afternoon October 7th. Registration starts at 12:30PM.
Our own Glenn Tolle, NPS Club and Area A-1 humorous speech contest winner, will be competing for the right to move on to the District 4 contest in Milpitas on November 18th. See Area Governor Arnie Buss for a flyer with directions.