Friday, August 29, 2014


Tetyana Margolina was TMoD for a meeting that featured two #10 speeches and round-robin evaluations.

Don Free gave Opening Remarks:
Annette Cain led off with Wag More! and was voted Best Speaker as well as Most Improved:

Annette was evaluated by Art Testani, who was also selected as Best Evaluator:

Annette's Round Robin Evaluation:

Pat Hanson's speech was entitled Love More ... Leave Your Legacy Now:

Pat's evaluator was Tetyana Margolina:

Pat's Round Robin Evaluation:

Friday, August 22, 2014

Humorous and Evaluatiorn Speech Contest

Leisel Iverson and Jon Pagnucco were TMoD and Chief Judge for today's Humorous and Eveluation Speech Contests.

Jack Jackson came in second with Politically In-Correctable:
Arnie Buss won with We're Doing it Wrong! and will represent the club on Sept 27 at the Area A1 contest:
Our test speaker for the Evaluation Contest, Oscar Perez, gave an inspiring speech entitled The Sweet Territory of Silence:

Second Place Don Free:
And the winner, Tetyana Margolina, who will represent the club at the September 27 Area A1 contest:

Friday, August 15, 2014

This Day in Hstory

Art Testani wasTMoD today, and his theme was "This Day in History"

Laura Franklin  combined Table Topics with her role as Humorist:

Joe Leavitt won Table Topics:

Sheila Dundon presented a module from the Successful Club Series, A Foolproof Way to Achieve Your Competent Leader Award this Year!

Her evaluator was Carl Thormeyer:

Friday, August 08, 2014

Treasured Books. Favorite Stories

Leisel Iverson chose a theme of "Treasured Books. Favorite Stories" that added a literary flair to the meeting.

Jack Jackson was Humorist putting the slam on novels:
Fred Sadler won Table Topics with a rebut of Jack's thesis:
Tom Anderson was voted Most Improved Speaker for his #3 speech Training for the Big Sur Marathon:
Tom's evaluator was Jon Pagnucco:
Tom Mallory reached his goal of a Competent Communicator with his #10 speech Next Step. He was also voted Best Speaker of the meeting:

Friday, August 01, 2014

What is Happiness?

Jon Pagnucco was the humorist:
Leisel Iverson won Table Topics:
Jack Jackson was Most Improved Speaker with his #1 project from Technical Presentations advanced manual,Fostering Innovation:
Pat Hanson was voted Best Speaker for her #2 project from the advanced manual Special Occasion Speeches, Leave a Legacy of Love, Now!
Pat's evaluator was Carl Thormeyer: