Friday, November 22, 2013


Jack Jackson chose a lighthearted theme of "Turkey" partly in keeping with the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, and partly in contrast with some of the more somber themes recently.

Arnie Buss was the humorist:

Matt Balint won Table Topics:

Kyle Tobin-Williams gave her #4 speech Introducing Tillie Lewis:

Kyle's evaluator was Monique Fountain:

Sheila Dundon won Most Improved for her #6 speech How I improved My Speaking Results Ten Fold in One Day:

Sheila was evaluated by Leisel Iverson, who was also selected Best Evaluator:

Don Free won Best Speaker with a #2 project from the advanced manual Speaking to Inform, The Address at Gettysburg:

<,br/> Fred Sadler was Don's evaluator:

Friday, November 15, 2013


Annette Cain pumped up the membership with her theme as TMoD.

Kathleen Hanselmann was the humorist:

Tables topics was won be Leisel Iverson:

Monique Fountain kicked off the membership drive with her #8 speech Campaign for Membership

Monique was evaluated by Jarrod Smith:

Best Speaker and Most Improved Speaker Jack Jackson gave his #9 speech To Lead People, Walk Beside Them.

Jack's evaluator was Tetyana Margolina:

Arnie Buss gave a #3 speech from the advanced manual "Speaking to Inform," Easy Speak:

Arnie evaluator Carl Thormeyer was Best Evaluator:

Friday, November 08, 2013

Club Table Topics Contest!

Annette Cain was TMoD for a special club Table Topics Contest. With most of the club competing, she adopted a special format in which each contestant drew their question from a hat.

The contestant responses:

Don Free:
Carl Thormeyer:
Jack Jackson:
Kyle Tobin-Williams:
Pat Hanson:
Leisel Iverson:
Art Testani:
Kathleen Hanselmann:
Arnie Buss:
The results:
1st - Arnie Buss
2nd - Leisel Iverson
3rd - Art Testani

Friday, November 01, 2013

All Hallows Eve/All Saint's Day

Today is All Saint's Day, or All Hallows Day, from which comes the evening before, "All Hallow's Eve" - or Hallowe'en. TMoD Arnie Buss shared that and other interesting tidbits about this fall holiday.

Don Free was the humorist:

Pat Hanson won Table Topics

Best Speaker Laura Franklin gave her #2 speech The Art of Doing Nothing: A Modern Gal's Guide to Procrastination.

Laura was evaluated by Tetyana Margolina:

Jack Jackson wom Most Improved for his #8 speech Do You Believe Me or Your Lying Eyes?

Jack's evaluator Carl Thormeyer was selected Best Evaluator:

Next week - the club's Table Topics Contest!