Friday, September 27, 2013


First-time TMoD Jack Jackson led today's meeting as if he had been doing it for years! His theme of "Accounting" had a double meaning - the financial activity as well as accountability.

Humorist was  Pat Hanson
Table Topics was won by Laura Franklin

Arnie Buss gave a speech from the Entertaining Speaker advanced manual, project #4 Car vs Train

Most Improved speaker Don Free also gave an advanced speech, #1 from Speaking to Inform, He Can't Always Be Right, Can He

He was evaluated by Kathleen Hanselmann
Best Speaker Tetyana Margolina gave her speech #9 from the CC manual, Push the Envelope
Her evaluator Art Testaniwas also the Best Evaluator:

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Fall of Summer

Annette Cain was the TMoD today and chose a theme of "The Fall of Summer".

Humorist was Laura Franklin

Best Table Topics Speaker was newest member  Lisa Ward:
 Jack Jackson gave his #6 speech Crazy on Two Wheels and was voted Most Improved.
Jack's evaluator was : Monique Fountain
Sheila Dundon got the "win" with her #7 speech Advancing Women Leaders: The Win/Win Solution:
Sheila's evaluator Matt Balint was selected Best Evaluator:

Friday, September 13, 2013

Playing Tour Guide

Sheila Dundon gave a clinic on being TMoD today. Her theme of being a "tour guide" for our vacation wonderland resonated with all of us.

Jack Jackson gave Opening Remarks with some of the more unusual laws around here:

Fred Sadler won Table Topics with a dizzying dramatic display:

Jarrod Smith won Most Improved Speaker for his #4 speech Revising Education:

Jarrod's evaluator Don Free won Best Evaluator:

Carrie Glenn gave her #3 speech entitled Toasting with the Masters and won Best Speaker:

Carrie's evaluator was Matt Balint:

Friday, September 06, 2013


Tetyana Margolina took the helm for today's meeting with a mystery theme of "Time."

Laura Franklin gave her Icebreaker speech, Two Tickets from Paradise:

Laura was evaluated by Kyle Tobin-Williams:
Annette Cain presented some heart-felt Origami with her #8 speech Heart Folds:
Annette was evaluated by Chuck Burton:
Kathleen Hanselmann gave her #6 speech Curses, Foiled Again:
Kathleen's evaluator was Fred Sadler: