Friday, May 24, 2013

Holiday Weekends

Carl Thormeyer was TMoD and brought a theme of Holiday Weekends - appropriate, being the Friday before one!

John Mahler gave Opening Remarks:

Leisel Iverson won Best Table Topics:

Michelle Gomez was the Most Improved Speaker for her #3 speech Saving Hearts

Arnie Buss was Michelle's evaluator and was selected Best Evaluator:

 Tetyana Margolina was voted Best Speaker for her #6 speechThe Loser Takes All

Jarrod Smith evaluated Tetyana:

Friday, May 10, 2013

Internet Memes

John Mahler debuted as TMoD with a contemporary theme of Internet Memes - see below for the ones John created for the meeting!

Carl Thormeyer was the Humorist

Leisel Iverson #2 won both Best Speaker as well as Most Improved for her #2 speech, The Hands Have It:

Don Free was the speech evaluator for Leisel:

Pat Hanson gave her #8 speech High Heels: Sexy or Fracture Waiting to Happen

Fred Sadler was selected as the Best Speech Evaluator for his feedback to Pat

Kate Daniels Kurz won Best Table Topics

The memes: