Friday, March 30, 2012

April Fool's Day

In her first time as Toastmaster of the Day, Cristine Lambarte led like a seasoned veteran. She chose a theme of "April Fool's" - here is a portion of her introduction:

Graduation day at NPS generally prompts lighter attendence, and this was no exception. The one speech was by Carl Thormeyer, and it gave us all pause to consider a possible threat overseas. He gave speech #9 from the CC manual entitled Be Really Concerned:

Carl was evaluated by Jim Burlison:

Table Topics was won by Kate Daniels Kurz:

Friday, March 09, 2012


Jim Burlison took us out to the old ballgame with a theme of Baseball at today;s meeting. Acting as the manager, he put himself in as humorist in keeping with the playing managers of yore:

Art Terry demonstrated why he was the club Table Topics champion with his winning response:

Laura Ramos gave an inspiring Icebreaker speech, Nothing to Be Afraid Of, that garnered her both Best Speaker as well as Most Improved:

Laura was evaluated by Arnie Buss:

Carl Thormeyer gave a #6 CC speech Make Your Voice Match Your Message:

Carl was evaluated by Stanley Wong, who was selected Best Evaluator for the meeting:

Friday, March 02, 2012

Leap Year

It was a bittersweet meeting, the last for outgoing President and outstanding member Sharon Lipinski, who is headed to far off places. The greybeards sent her off with some appreciations:

Jon Barnes led his first meeting as Toastmaster of the Day (TMoD) and took great leaps and bounds with his theme of Leap Year! :D

Jim Burlison was humorist:

Veteran Carl Thormeyer asserted himself in Table Topics with a win:

Dave Cho continued his inspiring speeches, garnering Most Improved with his #2 speech Efficiency - Set a Goal, Get Organized, Get it Done!:

Dave was evaluated by Scott Yeatman:

Sharon Lipinski closed with a humorous reflection at her time at NPS Toastmasters, A Look Back at the Lipinski Administration winning Best Speaker with her #5 speech from "Humorously Speaking" advanced manual:

Sharon was evaluated by Kate Daniels Kurz, picked as Best Evaluator: