Friday, October 14, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

Arnie Buss was TMoD today with a theme of "guilty pleasures." His include WWE wrestling and the reality show "Tough Love."

Stanley Wong won Best Table Topics:

Shamsul Rahman gave his Icebreaker speech A Kampung Boy and was voted Most Improved Speaker:

Shamsul was evaluated by Jim Burlison, who was awarded Best Evaluator:

Art Testani gave a #8 speech California Cancer Research Act and was voted Best Speaker of the meeting:

Art was evaluated by Stanley Wong:

Friday, October 07, 2011

Is a Fake Smile Better than No Smile at All?

Fake smiles - real smiles? Tom Shih addressed this question in today's meeting.

Margaret Stevens won Best Table Topics:

Scott Yeatman gave his #2 speech How Does a Helicopter Fly? (unfortunately the video starts in the middle of his speech:

Scott was evaluated by Sharon Lipinski:

Arnie Buss gave a #7 speech A Brief History of Marriage:

Arnie was evaluated by Art Testani: