Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Movies!

Jim Burlison led a creative meeting with the theme of The Movies, with a cast of thousands and stars galore!

Rolf Ridge was the Humorist:

Tom Shih won Best Table Topics:

Art Testani gave the #4 project from the Special Occasion manual, President's Distinguished Division A:

Art was evaluated by Arnie Buss, who was selected Best Evaluator:

Sharon Lipinski gave a humorous speech What You Should Have Known and was voted Best Speaker:

Sharon was evaluated by Tom Shih:

Glenn Woodson finished with another Special Occasion Speech, A Living Tribute:

Glenn was evaluated by Rolf Ridge:

Friday, June 17, 2011

What do you do when you're thrown off balance?

Natasha Zeligs made her debut as TMoD with a theme of "What do you do when you're thrown off-balance." Natasha showed remarkable balance in leading a fantastic meeting!

Kate Daniels was the humorist:

Michelle Banazwski won Best Table Topics:

Moyara Ruesen was voted Best Speaker and Most Improved with her After Dinner Speech from the advanced manual The Entertaining Speaker, My Swan Song - and Ode to Club 2032:

Moyara was evaluated by Jim Burlison:

Fred Sadler gave an advanced speech The Roast, from the Special Occasions Speeches manual, Carl Thormeyer - Extremely Rare:

Fred was evaluated by perennial guest Rachelle Onishi, who was selected Best Evaluator:

Friday, June 10, 2011

Cartoon Characters!

Zeynep Yilmaz debuted as TMoD with a theme of Cartoon Characters.

Erkan Abunaz was the humorist:

Margaret Stevens won both Tables Topics and Most Improved:

Natasha Zeligs gave her #3 speech Wily Coyote and the Road Runner:

Natasha was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer:

Rolf Ridge gave his #9 speech Solar and was voted Best Speaker:

Rolf was evaluated by Moyara Ruehsen:

Suad Ali gave her #6 speech We Need to Get Serious About Development:

Suad was evaluated by Fred Sadler, who was selected Best Evaluator:

Friday, June 03, 2011

Pet Peeves

Stan Wong made his inaugural debut as TMoD with a theme of "Pet Peeves".

Rolf Ridge was the humorist:

Sharon Lipinski won best Table Topics:

Zeynep Yimaz gave her #6 speech The Amazing Ants and was voted Best Speaker:

Zeynet was evaluated by Art Testani, who was selected as Best Evaluator:

Moyara Ruehsen gave the #2 project from Storytelling advanced manual, The Silent Suffering of Sexual Harassment and was Most Improved:

Moyara was evaluated by Sharon Lipinski: