Friday, October 29, 2010


Suad Ali ran a terrific meeting in her first tome as TMoD. Her theme as "attitude" and was capped by her reading Charles Swindoll's poem of that name:

Table Topics was won by our guest and former Area A2 Governor Scott Seggerman.

Arnie Buss gave a module from the "Better Speaker Series" Beginning Your Speech and was voted Best Speaker:

Arnie was eveluated by Moyara Ruehsen:

Carl Thormeyer continued his third time through the CC manual with a #3 speech Women in Toastmasters:

Carl was evaluated by Rolf Ridge, who was selected Best Evaluator:

Friday, October 22, 2010

Juliette Ferguson was TMoD today

Carl Thormeyer channeled his inner George Carlin as Humorist:

Jim Burlison was voted Best Table Topics Speaker:

Rolf Ridge gave his #6 speech:

Rolf was evaluated by Jim Burlison, who was selected Best Evaluator. Unfortunately the video camera malfunctioned during the first part of the evaluation, but here is the rest:

Arnie Buss gave the #8 speech from the CC manual, I Don't Have a Thing to Talk About:

Arnie was evaluated by Art Testani:

Friday, October 01, 2010

Jim Burlison channeled the Great Carnak in his debut as Humorist:

Rolf Ridge was voted Best Table Topics Speaker:

Michelle Banezwski gave her Icebreaker speech and was voted both Best Speaker as well as Most Improved:

Paul Salevski gave his #4 speech What is Progress:

TMoD: Art Testani
Humorist: Jim Burlison
Ah Counter: Margater Stevens
Wordmaster: Rolf Ridge
Grammarian: Tom Shih
Vote Counter: Moyara Ruehsen
Timer: Cathy Lee
Table Topics Master: Cathy Lee
Speaker #1: Michelle Banazwksi, Icebreaker (Best Speaker, Most Improved)
Speaker #2: Paul Salevski, Speech #4: What Is Progress?
Evaluator #1: Suad Ali
Evaluator #2: Juliette Ferguson
General Evaluator: Carl Thormeyer