Friday, January 29, 2010

Super Bowl!

Jim Burlison used the theme of the Superbowl to lead a great meeting. Who would have known otherwise that it was connected with hula hoops or big oil?

Cat Grant gave a historical and poetic Opening Remarks:

There was a tough battle in table topics between Rolf Ridge, Wendy Goody, and Karen Woodson,

with Karen coming out on top for her response about watching the Super Bowl on a big screen tv and getting the "wrong" dish subscription.

Prepared speeched were by two experienced members. Fred Sadler led off with a module from the Better Speaker Series, Taking the Terror out of your Talk. Fred was voted best speaker:

Fred was evaluated by Karen Woodson, who was selected best evaluator:

Carl Thormeyer gave another module from the Successful Club Series, Keeping the Commitment:

Carl was evaluated by Arnie Buss:

Rounding out the meeting were:
Moyara Ruehsen (wordmaster)

Wendy Goody (grammarian)

Aaron Sanchez (timer)
Jason Lin (Ah counter)

Rolf Ridge (vote counter)

Elizabeth Mitchell (table topics master)

Margaret Stevens (general evaluator)

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Rainy Season

Veteran Carl Thormeyer led a fun-filled meeting with the theme of "The Rainy Season." Acting President Karen Woodson inducted our newest member Rolf Ridge:

Arnie Buss led off with opening remarks:

Elizabeth Mitchell was voted Best Table Topics Speaker:

Carl was surprised by "one last question" from Table Topics Master Cathy Lee - you can almost see the green screen behind Carl during his response!

Cat Grant gave her long-awaited Icebreaker speech, and proved it was worth the wait, and she was voted Most Improved Speaker. Her speech was entitled Who is Cat Grant? A Whirlwind Tour Through the Unknown:

Cat was evaluated by Fred Sadler:

Aaron Sanchez was very moving besides organized with his #2 speech Facing the Void, and was voted Best Speaker:

Aaron was evaluated by Wendy Goody, in another long-awaited return to the club, and Wendy was selected Best Evaluator:

Friday, January 15, 2010

New Beginnings

Karen Woodson gave a masterful example of effectively leading a great meeting. With 12 members and 2 guests, a good time was had by all! Her theme was "new beginnings" as befits the new year.

Arnie Buss gave opening remarks:

Elizabeth Mitchell was voted best table topics speaker for talking about her first day in high school:

Jason Lin gave his Icebreaker speech entitled The Appreciation of Family, and was voted Most Improved:

Jason was evaluated by Arnie Buss, who was selected best evaluator:

Tonya Holloway gave her #8 speech The Awkward Years and was voted Best Speaker:

Tonya was evaluated by Jim Burlison:

Rounding out the meeting were the other functionaries:
Word Master...........................Cathy Lee
Grammarian...........................Elizabeth Mitchell
Ah Counter.............................Margaret Stevens
Vote Counter..........................Wendy Goody
Timer......................................Art Testani
Table Topics Master...............Aaron Sanchez
General Evaluator..................Carl Thormeyer