It was so appropriate that our beloved Angi Anderson was TMoD for her last official meeting at the club! She expertly led 15 members (once Pam Walker had been inducted by club President Fred Sadler) and 1 guest through an exciting meeting whose theme was "So Long, Farewell." Unfortunately the video blogger left the camera in his other pants, and so you will just have to use your imagination about how awesome the meeting was!
Serving as her own opening remarks person, Angi gave perhaps the shortest opening remarks on record..."Bye!"
Tonya Holloway choose "Adieu" as Wordmaster which nearly everyone was able to weave into their speaking. The other functionaries were expertly performed by Margaret Stevens (Ah Counter), Kate Daniels Kurz (Grammarian), David Perez (Timer), and Emilie Staryak(Vote Counter).
Andrew Kennedy led a clinic on Table Topics, calling on newest member Pam Walker, experienced member John Armstrong, and guest Lynn to give their experiences with farewells. Even though he was forbidden to dance, John was voted best Table Topics speaker.
Two great speeches made up the prepared portion of the meeting. Tonya Holloway led off with her #3 speech "How it All Got Started." This was an entertaining and informative exposition of the history of the Christmas tree from its ancient beginnings. Who knew that Christmas trees were originally hung upside down? Tonya was voted Most Improved Speaker.
Arnie Buss finished with his fifth Icebreaker speech "Faking It." He spoke of the fears that he still feels even after acquiring many Toastmasters skills and being able to effectively hide it. Arnie was voted Best Speaker for it.
Art Testani evaluated Tonya's speech, and first-time evaluator Elizabeth Mitchell evaluated Arnie. Elizabeth was selected Best Evaluator by General Evaluator Carl Thormeyer.
Angi gave a heartfelt farewell to the club, expressing appreciation for all the members she has come to know and cherish. She also reminded us that it is very likely we will meet again!
We ended with Fred presenting Angi with the farewell plaque of appreciation for past presidents and Arnie giving her the "Best of Angi" DVD.
And so we bid a fond
Adieu to Angi, who has been so instrumental in the club's awesomeness over the past two years. You have been inspiring as a speaker and a leader, and have mentored and helped so many members individually. As a club officer, you have been the heart and soul of NPS Toastmasters. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and Toastmastering!
The post-meeting roster.
Back row (left to right): Carl, Fred, Angi, Emilie, Arnie, John, and David. Front row, Tonya