Donna Cunningham led off with opening remarks:
Cathy Lee (favorite cartoon: Roadrunner) led Table Topics, calling on Tito, Christina, and Chance, with Chance winning Best Table Topics speaker:
Three prepared speeches followed.
Aysun Caliskan's Icebreaker, delivered without notes highlighted the important decisions she began making at a very tender age. Aysun was voted Best Speaker for this outstaanding speech entitled My Right Decisions:
Karen Woodson (favorite cartoon I Love to Singa) followed with her #6 speech that translated the words women often say into terms the men can understand. Karen effectively used her voice to make her point in a very humorous way and was voted Most Improved for A Woman's Dictionary:
Fred Sadler gave his rendition of Bill from the advanced manual Interpretive Reading. In Fred's case "reading" sounded a lot like "singing" - and Fred's dramatic interpretation of the soliloquy from Carousel was a perfect #3 speech (The Monorama) from this manual.
The evaluations by first-time evaluators Tito DeJesus (favorite cartoon: Beavis and Butthead) and Christina Hicks (favorite cartoon: The Backyardigans) were so good that General Evaluator Emilie Staryak (favorite cartoon: The Simpsons) couldn't decide which was "best" - so they both received Best Evaluator.
Tito's evaluation of Aysun's Icebreaker:
Christina's evaluation of Karen's #6 speech:
Oh, and Glenn's favorite - Gossamer from Hair Raising Hare:
Until next time - for better thinking, listening, and speaking...