Friday, July 18, 2008

The Olympics

John Armstrong led his first meeting as TMoD with a timely theme of The Olympics. With 17 members and 6 guests, we had a very well attended meeting for the middle of July.

Carl Thormeyer led a spirited Table Topics, with Fred Sadler winning best Table Topics speaker for explaining why he should be the head of the International Olymic Committee. Fred's winning Table Topics:

Three great speeches followed. Tito DeJesus gave a humorous discourse pointing out the silliness of the creation/evolution debate by offering a third alternative, from the "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster." Tito received Most Improve speaker for his #2 speech. Next Masami Maeda continued her sprint through the CC manual by showing and explaining several Chinese characters in her #8 speech. Eric Guttmann finished with his #5 speech about the importance of allowing "failure" and the perils of not allowing for learning through making mistakes. Eric won best speaker for his inspiring speech.

Tito DeJesus' #2 speech Creation, Evolution, and Spaghetti:

Masami's #8 Speech: The Precious Asset from Ancient People:

Eric Guttmann's #5 speech Zero Defects Mandatory:

Three quality evaluations were given by Emilie Staryak, Corban Spraker, and Arnie Buss. General evaluator Art Testani chose Arnie's evaluation as the best one.

Arnie Buss' winning evaluation of Eric's speech: