Karen Woodson's Opening Remarks gave a great hint at the theme by consisting almost entirely of movie titles:
Donna Cunningham expertly led Table Topics, calling on Warner (by request), a guest, and Brian Anderson. Brian's response to the question about whether "reality tv" actually serves a purpose was voted best Table Topics.
Brian's winning Table Topics response:
We were treated to three outstanding prepared speeches. Emilie Staryak explored the breadth of nonverbal communication and showed eloquently, with both words and gestures, how we communicate without actually saying anything. Eric Guttmann gave an energetic account of his grueling three day fitness ordeal, especially how he
Emilie Staryak's #5 speech, Speak Without Saying a Word. Emilie won "Most Improved" for it
Eric Guttmann's #4 speech "Elite Combat Fitness"
Robin Walker's Farewell speech. Robin won "Best Speaker"
The meeting ended on a poignant note, with club president Angi Anderson presenting Robin with a plaque in appreciation for his leadership as president and with the fond best wishes of us all.
Angi gives Robin his President's plaque, with a bonus haiku!