TMoD Fred Sadler became frustrated over his computer problems earlier in the week, but he got past that with a little help from his friends (especially Arnie) and that spawned the theme of "Frustration". Fred vented his as he started the program by singing a song of frustration.
Ryan Squires led us in Table Topics, where Scott Wilbur and Alex Bein tied for "Best Table Topics".
Karen Woodson won "Most Improved" for her #3 speech entitled "Have a little faith in yourself" (see below).
Angi Anderson followed with her #8 speech titled "Bag of Tricks", winning "Best Speaker" with her three piles of props representing her past, present and future (see below).
Andrew Kennedy then reported on his High Performance Leadership project, which was performed when he was an Area Governor (see below). Once the paperwork is accomplished, this completes Andrew's final requirement for Advanced Leader Silver.
Chance Litton won "Best Evaluator" for his first-time evaluation, beating out the club's graybeards Arnie Buss and Carl Thormeyer. Here is Chance's award-winning evaluation:
Coming up August 10th: Club Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contests. Sign up with Angi to participate!